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Matthew Ott

officesbypremier home-before
Home Page - Before

Home Page 1
Homepage Redesign

Premier Office Installations Inc Logo 2.
Redesigned Logo for Premier Office Installations

officesbypremier home-before
Home Page - Before
Project | 1
Premier Office Installations:
For Premier Office Installations, I designed a new, updated website and am currently developing an SEO strategy to increase website traffic. The goal for this new website is to increase leads and conversions.
In addition to the website, I also redesigned the company logo.
Check out the new website here: Premier Office Installations.
Project | 2
Short's Brewing Company:
For this project I was tasked with taking a deep dive into Short's Brewing Company's digital presence and making recommendations for improvement. I focused on their social media presence, inbound marketing, and search engine optimization. I also wrote an open letter to the Short's Brewing Company on Medium, which can be found here.
Project | 3
Unicorn Lounge:
My group and I were tasked with creating an advertising campaign for the Unicorn Lounge in Old Town Lansing. We had to create a creative brief, develop an insight, create sample advertisements, and build a strategy for attracting new customers to this reinvented dive bar without losing the gritty, laid-back atmosphere that The Unicorn has been known for. To this, we focused on personifying the brand by creating an animated version of their Unicorn, Mysty, and giving her a sassy voice through Twitter. My group was selected as the best presentation out of the class for our insights, creative, and thorough research.
Website that was designed: Unicorn Lounge
Project | 4
Professor Qwbli's:
For Professor Qwbli's the task was to build an advertising campaign that would help grow the brand ambassador program and the awareness of the science behind the Power of Play. We researched the effects of play on children in the classroom, designed a mobile app for parents and kids to grow the brand ambassador program, and we created a couple example ads for use on social media.
To see more or discuss possible work let's talk >>
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